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Bob Gibson Tjungurrayi


Tingari | 154h x 90w | RK619

Not framed or stretched | Acrylic on canvas

Bob Gibson Tjungurrayi was born at Papunya and is the son on renowned artist Mary Gibson. He moved with his family to Tjukurla at the ti︎me of the homelands movement in the late 1980’s.

His unique and powerful style represents country in a wild and imaginative exploration of colour and form. He enjoys telling the stories from his father’s country of Patjarr and his mother’s country of Kulkurta.

Bob was recently announced as a finalist in the 2019 Telstra NAATSIA Awards. His bold and energetic paintings have put him amongst some of the most sought-after emerging artists in the contemporary indigenous art world.

Tingari Story

A series of concentric squares pulsate with the searing heat of the Western Desert, the colours meld and overlap, creating a transparency of paint that flutters across the ground of the painting. These are the designs of the Tingari ceremony – secret men’s business that takes place near the remote community of Tjukurla on the edge of Lake Hopkins. Each square is roughly painted, revealing the artist’s hand as it moves with an intensity across the canvas, giving them a pulsating irregularity. 

 This painting does not come with a photo of the artist holding the work. Due to Community and State Covid19 closures, we were unable to take photos in this instance.

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