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Introducing Anna Tilmouth Napangardi

Anna Tilmouth Anna Tilmouth Napangardi Atnyerlenge Native fuchsia

Introducing Anna Tilmouth Napangardi

Anna Tilmouth Napangardi is daughter to June Bird and Johnny Tilmouth. She is also the granddaughter to well known Utopia artist Ada Bird Petyarre (deceased). Anna has grown up with a strong tradition of painting. When she was younger, she accompanied her grandmother on trips to Melbourne and she now shows a confidence in her own painting style, often experimenting with new designs and use of colours. Anna paints several subjects including: Atnyerlenge (Native Fuchsia), Awelye (Women's Ceremony) and Imuna (Bush Food). The Atnyerlenge (Native fuchsia) plant is an important plant in her Country because of the sweet honey found in its flowers. The honey is usually...

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Introducing Joycie Morton Petyarre

Amperlatwatye Ampilatwatja Betty Morton Joycie Morton Petyarre Medicinal flora

Introducing Joycie Morton Petyarre

Joycie Morton Petyarre was born in Alice Springs in 1976 and started painting when she was nineteen. Her mother is Betty Morton, her sister Cindy Morton and her daughter is Nikita Inkamala. Her husband Eric Inkamala, is also an artist, and they have five daughters and two sons. She paints several dreamings that have been passed down from her grandmother, Betty Kemarre. Joycie says "I learnt everything from her grandmother, hunting, bush tucker, dreamings, bush medicine and painting." Joycie paints medicinal flora found in the country around Ampilatwatja in Central Australia. They are used for soothing skin infections by way of an...

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Introducing Meredith Curley

Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yangkuntjatjara Lands APY Lands David [Kun] Curley Ernabella Imitjala Curley Meredith Curley

Introducing Meredith Curley

Meredith Curley is an artist from Ernabella in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yangkuntjatjara (APY) Lands. Meredith is the daughter of acclaimed artists, Imitjala Curley and David [Kun] Curley (deceased), she is one of five Sisters including artists, Madeline and Maria Curley. As the daughter of a senior traditional woman, Meredith holds cultural knowledge relating to the Ngapari - sugar leaf or lerp - Tjukurpa at Watarru. Her connection to the Kampurparpa Tjukurpa in the Walytjitjata region is through her mother’s mother, Puni Puni. It is a small homeland just over the Northern Territory border about 46km north of Kalka on the...

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Buy art you like and can afford

Buy art you like Buying art Tip for buying art when buying art

Buy art you like and can afford

Your home or office doesn't need to look like an art gallery. Here are a few hints to follow when buying art for your home or office: set a budget you can afford determine what size piece might work for you (measure the space you have in mind) do some research online to find some styles and artists you like don't worry about framing or stretching yet, this will happen later Then start your own search online or arrange to visit some galleries that have what your looking for. Also, remember you may see something you never imagined you'd like, this...

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Akarley or Northern Wild Orange

Akarley Northern wild orange Utopia

Akarley or Northern Wild Orange

The Northern wild orange is known as Akarley in the Alyawarre language. The small slender tree of this wild orange plant grows about 3½ m high with dark bark and weeping foliage. It produces fragrant, creamy white flowers during the flowering stage that open during the night and wither before the end of the next day. The fruit is green when unripe, turning yellow or with a red tint when ripens in February. The Akarley is eaten raw after pulling off the tough outer skin and has a sweet flavour. The Akarley is important to the Aboriginal people of Utopia...

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