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Glenys Gibson Napaltjarri


My Country | 60h x 60w | RK227

Not framed or stretched | Acrylic on Belgium Linen

Glenys Gibson Napaltjarri lives at Kintore, a remote community north west of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. Her mother taught her how to paint the Woman’s dreaming and she has been painting for 20+ years.

Glenys comes from a long line of artists, her mother is Ningura Naparrula, whose works are sought after by collectors both in Australia and abroad.

Glenys paints predominantly in three colours, a black background with the design element painted in a dark red and then stippling thick white or sandy colours in between the design. The concentric circle in her paintings represent the rock hole and sacred site of the women, the striped shapes are water vessels constructed by the women made of wood and the dark oval shapes are bush tucker the women have collected such as bush tomato. Women are often shown as u shapes sitting on the earth with their long oval coolamon bowls for holding bush tucker.

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