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Lanita Numina

Lanita Numina is the eldest of the six well-known desert artists - the Numina Sisters. Like her sisters, Lanita went to primary school on Stirling Station near Tennant Creek. She comes from a long line of desert painters of the contemporary Aboriginal art and dot-dot central desert movement. Lanita lived with her mother and aunties on Stirling Station near Ti Tree.  She started painting later than her other sisters. Lanita currently lives in Darwin with her little sister Sharon.

Lanita was surrounded by her well renowned painter aunties: Gloria and Kathleen Petyerre, who are well established artists in Alice Springs. The Numina Sisters have all been taught to paint by their earlier elder painter grandmothers, mother-auntys, and cousin-sisters connected across the Central Desert region. Their mother's and grandmother's Country is in the bush and remote Stirling Station.

Lanita paints several different stories and Dreamings including: Dingo Dreaming, Thorny Devil Lizard, Bush Tucker and Awelye or Body Paint. The process of painting the Dreamings/stories is also a method of keeping the conversation alive. Knowing, carrying and reinforcing these stories gives respect for her Country and her ancestors.  The stories and knowledge are retold repeatedly and handed on to keep the traditional practices alive.