Selina Numina

Medicine at the Waterholes | 59h x 148w | RK311

Not framed or stretched | Acrylic on canvas

Selina was born in 1978 and is the daughter of Barbara Price Mbitjana who is an elder painter and cultural elder from Stirling Station. Selina has five sisters who are also well respected artists from Utopia. Selina, along with her sisters and brothers were sent to boarding school in Darwin as no secondary schooling was available in Tennant Creek, 500kms north of Alice Springs. The family now live in Darwin and often travel back to Ti Tree and Stirling Station in the north Utopia region near Tennant Creek.

Selina’s family come from a long line of desert artists of the contemporary Aboriginal art including world renowned aunties: Gloria and Kathleen Petyerre. Many women from the Petyerre, Mambitji and Numina family name hold custody of the story and are knowledge keepers of stories such as Bush Medicine Leaves, Bush Tucker, Seeded, Soakage, Women's Ceremony – in common with other skin groups across the vast arid landscape and desert areas of Central Australia.


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