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News — Tingari

Introducing Thomas Tjapaltjarri

the Last Nomads the Pintupi nine Thomas Tjapaltjarri Tingari

Introducing Thomas Tjapaltjarri

Thomas Tjapaltjarri was born sometime around 1964 in the Gibson Desert, Western Australia. Thomas and his family which includes fellow artists Warlimpirrnga, Walala, Yukultji, Yalti and Tjakaria led a completely nomadic life until they emerged from the desert, coming to Kiwirrkurra in 1984. Dubbed "the Last Nomads" or "the Pintupi nine", they had had no contact with Western society until this point. Amazingly, he transitioned from an utterly traditional lifestyle to commencing as an artist within a matter of a few years and painting the traditional stories of his people.Thomas paints simple, geometric designs and uses a dotting technique shared...

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