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Belinda Golder Kngwarreye


Bush Plum Dreaming  | 89h x 198w  |  RK639

Not stretched or framed  |  Acrylic on canvas

Belinda Golder Kngwarreye is an Anmatyerre artist from the Utopia Homelands of Central Australia. She has strong artistic connections within her family – her grandmother Polly Ngale and her sister Janet Golder are accomplished artists and Kathleen Ngale and Angelina Ngale are her great aunts.

Belinda paints several stories and dreaming including Bush Medicine, My Country and Bush Plum Dreaming. She is best-known for her Bush Plum Dreaming story, which she inherited from her grandmother Polly Ngale.  The bush plum or 'anwekety', is a nutritious food source of vitamin C, and is a highly sought-after bush tucker.  In the Dreaming story the bush plum seeds were blown all over the ancestral lands by the winds and they bore fruit on Utopia lands. The first anwekety of the Dreaming grew there and became part of the food of the Anmatyerre people.

The Dreaming story of the seeds and the ripening of the fruits are all included in the story of Bush Plum. Belinda uses the painting techniques developed by master artist Emily Kame Kngwarreye to impart the many colours of the plant, seeds, flowers and fruit of the bush plum. Belinda inherits aspects of the Kame Dreaming from her paternal grandparents. She uses the method where she loads the brush with many tones of colour as she works the dotting method across the canvas, often painting wet on wet, so the colours continue to blend into one another.

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