Janet Long Nakamarra

Yirrakurru/Bush Onion Dreaming | 130h x 86w | RK216

Not framed or stretched | Acrylic on canvas

Janet Long Nakamarra was born at Anninie Station, north west of Alice Springs NT. After leaving school she assisted Elders in the production of books in Warlpiri while studying to be a teacher, the most important of these 'Warlpiri Women's Voices' was translated into English and Warlpiri.

Janet began painting her dreaming stories in 1989, and in 2003 after a period of Apprenticeship in 'Women's Law', the Elder Warlpiri women gave her the right to paint stories about their Ngapa (Water Dreaming).

In this painting Janet has painted the Bush Onion Dreaming, an important story for the artist and her family. The painting depicts women collecting bush food. The artist has depicted waterholes, meeting places, changing vegetation (represented by the dotted background) and a variety of bush foods including plants and animals which are an important food source for Aboriginal people.

$1,375.00 $1,675.00

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